Friday, February 11, 2011

Im Baaaaack!

Actually just wanted to say that I ain't left yet, just been growing (my belly), learning, collecting. I got some great ideas that been marinating long ass in my brain for the past few years and I can't wait to tell em to you. Some highlights:

• A round up of my hit ups of Tom Douglas joints - and boy some were baaaaaad.
• My go to spots the steadies and why (some places harder to defend than others)
• Other shit I been noticing while stuffing my mouth with stupid good flavors.
• There'll probably be a few thoughts on drinks cuz I likey da drinky too.

So I ain't dead, I ain't left, the Dirty Diner been here all along... just had some writers block plus I couldn't figure out how to login to this damned thing for the longest time... eating away at the cities finest fare...and its funniest.

Holla soon! I love you really!